Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Its goal is to maintain a knowledge repository available to everyone worldwide, for free.
The name comes from the word wiki, which means quick in Hawaiian. Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger created it as a way to collaborate on knowledge sharing through a community-based approach.
Other sites offer similar services to Wikipedia but they tend not to be as comprehensive or well-structured. Some examples include Enciclopedia Libre, Zoklet, and Microsoft Encarta.
The first thing that you will notice when visiting Wikipedia is the incredible amount of information contained within its pages. With over 5 million articles in over 270 languages, this resource has something for everyone! Whether you’re looking for information about your favorite celebrity or want to learn more about a certain country’s history, this site will not disappoint.
There are also many ways to navigate through the site easily. If you know exactly what you’re looking for, then simply enter it into the search bar and hit enter! Alternatively, if you’re not sure what exactly you need, then use their handy table of contents located on its left sidebar which allows you to easily jump from one subject area to another.
With versions in over 230 languages and written collaboratively by volunteers worldwide, this website is a great place to start your research on almost any imaginable topic.
There are some downsides to using Wikipedia though. For example: it can be difficult to determine whether or not an article is unbiased or contains false information. Also, if you’re looking for something that’s not in the encyclopedia already, there’s no way for you to add it yourself (though you can suggest it as an addition). Finally, because Wikipedia is open source, all of its content can be copied and used elsewhere without credit being given to its original authors, so make sure you cite your sources correctly when using this resource!
For these reasons, we recommend using Wikipedia as one source among many others when doing academic research. It can help you to get started but shouldn’t be your only source. Other websites or books might have more accurate or detailed information than what you’ll find on Wikipedia.
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